
Is fat loss your goal?

Fat loss always seems to be associated with traditional cardio, hours of monotonous running or cycling in the hope of a better body. But why? Past generations have promoted the use of running and cycling to lose fat for a few reasons. 1- They didn't know any different. 2- It was easy to do. 3- It was accessible. Cardio is an outdated method for fat loss these days. 1- It takes time. 2- It's boring. 3- It doesn't provide optimal results. So what other way is there to optimally lose fat?   Strength training Strength training will help you build and maintain muscle mass while increasing strength and bone density. Increasing muscle mass through...

Wasting time in the gym?

Are you wasting time in the gym? Do you have a training plan ready before you enter the gym? Do you have a trainer that has a progressive plan worked out for you (not just a random session with no aim)? Do you execute your plan to the fullest making the most of every second in the gym? OR Do you get distracted and end up chatting? While talking to other gym members is definitely a huge benefit of training as it creates relationships and helps keep your training positive it can be counter productive. Wasting time in the gym chatting or scrolling through facebook is burning...

Post Covid-19 training plan

  With gyms potentially re-opening soon (fingers crossed🤞🏼) I think it's important to get a little message across about your training plan. Do NOT try to start from where you left off before lockdown. Although it may seem obvious, there are many people that will walk back into the gym and not only compare themselves to what they were 3 months back but actually hold it against themselves and feel like they have failed just because they can't jump back straight to that heavy deadlift. Comparing your self to something that you are unlikely to achieve for obvious reasons will just demotivate you...